How to become a Dental Hygienist in BitLife?

In the game Bitlife, to become a Dental Hygienist, you would need to choose “Dental Hygiene” as your major when you go to college. Once you graduate, you will need to pass a licensing exam in order to practice as a Dental Hygienist. After that, you can look for job opportunities in dental offices, clinics, or hospitals.

To be successful in your career as a Dental Hygienist, it’s important to keep your knowledge and skills up to date by continuing your education and staying current with the latest techniques and technologies. You should also have good communication and customer service skills, as you will be working closely with patients and other healthcare professionals.

As you progress in your career, you can work your way up to become a Lead Dental Hygienist or a Dental Hygiene Manager. You can also look for opportunities to specialize in certain areas, such as pediatrics or geriatrics.

Remember that in Bitlife, success also depends on luck and random events, so keep that in mind while playing.

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